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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Passing of Power

My dear Sang Singa Purba Family...

i love you guys...

i remembered the story of the the red indian boy
who grew up to be Chief.. and lead his family

all along, i only hoped to keep the family together
thru love, hate, misery, tears, laughters...
and to showcase our various talents..
talent which has no limits, no boundaries..
all that will eventually tell our story..

we've been thru alot.. yes alot my dear..
and every second of it will always be in me
for i hold it dearly, the times spent with the family

from the start i'z nervous to be the caretaker
how could i? i'z an ass when i was cub in SSP
made alot of nuisance and gave headaches to Huda,Haddad and Izzati
the only thing i had was passion, passion to perform..
haha ok actually i didnt even want to have anything to do with SSP
but that's an old story...

Firstly, i wanna thank my ex-Chief, Nurhuda
thanks a million.. for giving me the opportunity
the chance to continue the breed of a crazy loving family
and guide em to wherever we desire to venture
from our small cosy family, to the crazy bunch we have now..
its awesome isnt it? yeah it is...
Once again, tanx Huda.. you're always my ex-Chief

I had Khai with me.. my dear 2nd Chief
Bro, tanx for all, yes all that u shared with me
it was damn tough taking care of the cubs back then
fine! it still is tough now!! u all pain in de ass man!
yeah, well what i gave is what i got, good for me..
me and Khai would monkey around when we were cubs..
n den when we're Chiefs, we got like 20+ monkeys all over
just to make u guys sit n listen is tough
ape lagi kalau suruh datang for training...
SSP's bad habbit of coming an hour later den stated
and side-tracking whenever we stop for a breather..
oh we are so good at doing that aren't we..
We got impatient, sometimes losing it..
But eventually we got thru.. nothing beats that
I'mma take this opportunity to thank you bro..
It's been a pleasure.. Thank you so much..

I could neva have done anything right
without the senior loins..
You guys were always there.. Always supporting..
The fond memories of endless training nytes..
The morning practices at Citylink..
That "entity" video.. hahaha!
Sheesha adventures, camwhoring at that particular lane..
And more and more nonsense, awesome shit man...
Life is neva boring and mundane with you guys around
Its more twisted, hilarious, cozy, and noisy la..
That's more like it!
We all ran SSP like a crazy circus train..
But beneath all our nonsense.. we're a family..
A family.. that's already enough to tell a story..
This is one story i will never forget..
One family i love so much...
One passion burning in our hearts..
Everybit... everybit of it was neva wasted..
Its worth everything that i could ever dear for..
You'll always be in my hall of fame...
I love you guys...

How can i forget the bloody cubs..
Haha, u guys make my world twirl..
Each and everyone of you, pain in the ass you know!!
Ingat senang pe?!?! Korang peh karena macam macam siao!
Yang satu pimp, yang satu rock jiwang
Yang satu asik melalaaaak je =p
Yang duer ekor tu slenger baong nak mampos
*u know damn well who the 2 of u are haha!*
Lagi seekor tu, asik nak baleeek je..
Abeh ada yang berbulu tu! Tapi dia takpa,
dier boleh act any part! tu yang terror tu!
Tapi "R" dier karat ah hahaha!
yang lagi seekor tu kelakar seram..
yelah, asik nampak bende kat pokok, mana tak seram?!
Hai, ada lagi ah budak budak ni yang macam2 karena
Nak cakap sumer cam leceh kan..
Hahahaha... ~
ok lah... *back to english*
The truth is, its your crazy antics that make us perfect
Becoz perfect neva exists, but we do =)
We exist in a family that centers upon nonsensical shitz
The shit that has love for one another..
Shit that make u wanna punk each other so badly,
and then kiss and make-up, coz u can neva live without em..
And i can't deny the talent that you have within..
Each so different, yet able to compliment each other
Put your heads together and u can even get an encore
My days as Chief was mostly centered on you lot..
you saw me, u saw how i worked..
you saw where i succeeded..
you saw where i failed...
maybe sometimes you could even see thru me..
you know why i work hard to keep the family together
you know why i hardly lose my temper..
We grew up together... that's how u know..
And now you're all senior lions.. cheyyy kembang kepaa~
For everything that i've shared with u guys,
please remember one thing...
We're a family, take care and love each other..
If u wanna punk also at least say sorry lah after dat
Den punk sumore kay.. Den say sorry again..
That's the way to dot it..
Good Doggy~ hahaha
Each and everyone of you, i love you guys to bits n pieces
Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything...

The day has finally come
for me to pass down my post
to one that the family trust
to lead, to guide.. to take care of the family
to continue what i left upon..
and go further and do better..

We hand the post "Chief of SSP"
to darling ex-wife Maisarah "Fiona" Dong
we'll take your lead...
and we'll run the family, all of us..
Mai, take care of them..
and everything will be alright..

1st Vice Chief
Khai "Didi"
You're the big brother...
if any cubs makes trouble, just spank em and kick em upside down
Den say sorry lah..
Anyone tries to to mess wif da family..
Biasa ah.. bedal je, den say sorry again tau..
Standard procedure, you'll get used to it =p
Hahaha, kkk bullshit..
Take care of the family too...

2nd Vice Chief
my dear adek Suzana "Zana Seleleh"
so u think seleleh is a cool thing huh?
like watever lah kaaan~
Hahaha, kk..
Be a good girl, don't steal anyone's boyfrens
Don't camwhore too much nanti lens pecah
Most importantly, let your creativity run wild..
Watever nonsense u have in your head, jus spill it out
It'll turn out good...
We always make nonsense look good =p
And if anyone bully u, tell abang..
I'll kick their ass upside down man..
Of coz lah i'll say sorry after that =)
And yeah.. you take care of the family too ok..

To the rest of the family..
what more can i say man...
As far as we are now.. we can always go further..
We can always try new things..

From the 1st day i started out, till now..
i guess i've achieved what i've always wanted to..
Just look at yourselves and you'll know what i'm talkin about..

All the ones around me
I care for, and most of all i love
But i can't see myself that way
Please don't forget me
Or cry when i'm away
And while i'm gone
Everything will be alright


~Sang Singa Purba... pentaskan dongengmu~



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